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Criminal Law:

If you have been charged with a crime or are under investigation, you face potentially serious consequences that can permanently affect every aspect of your life.  A criminal conviction can not only lead to a loss of your freedom, it can prevent you from getting the job you want, ruin your credit, prevent you from buying a home or renting an apartment, and have many other very serious consequences.  Choosing the person who is going to stand between you and the prosecutor is one of the most important decisions you will ever make.  We can help you navigate the complex legal minefield that opens up when you are charged with a crime.


Family Law:

Your family is the most important relationship you have.  Divorce, child custody, and child support issues can cause family law clients to experience extreme emotions, financial upheaval, and pain. We are committed to seeking the most effective and least destructive route to resolve each case. We can help you understand the legal process, determine your goals for the outcome of your family law matter, and design a strategy that can help achieve this outcome.



Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be emotional and difficult.  The process of grieving your loss can leave you drained, not to mention dealing with your loved one's property and creditors. Probate, or estate administration, is the broad term applied to a variety of procedures used to gather a decedent's assets, pay their debts, and transfer property to their beneficiaries or heirs. We can help you navigate the Texas probate process.


A guardianship is a legal relationship created by the court to allow the appointment of someone (the guardian) to be responsible for decision-making for someone else (the ward)

Guardianship is a legal tool, which allows a person to make decisions for another person. It removes the civil rights and privileges of a person by assigning control of a person’s life to someone else. The need for guardianship may come from a person’s age, disability or injury.

Real Estate:

We offer experience and counsel in transactional real estate including acquisition, construction, buying, selling, and leasing.  Our real estate practice includes document preparation and drafting, including Purchasing Agreements, Earnest Money Contracts, Construction Contracts, Leases, Easements, Deeds, Liens, Development Agreements, and Construction Loan Agreements.


Traffic tickets and moving violations, especially if you are a CDL license holder, can have more serious implications than many people realize.  Before you decide to pay that traffic ticket, give us a call.

Criminal defense of a driving while intoxicated case is a specialized area of criminal law.  A DWI case can encompass very technical and complex issues dealing with, for example, the operation of the Intoxilyzer 9000 breath test machine, proper interpretation of breath test results, the science behind a blood draw and the proper analysis of a blood sample.  You need someone experienced in this specialized area of criminal law.